Friday, June 1, 2012

DL F/A Denise Nieman

Delta F/A Denise Nieman was unfortunately involved in a fatal car accident near Windhoek, Namibia on May 23.  A memorial service is being scheduled but arrangements are not yet complete.  This is the information that we have to date and when more is known we will pass it along.
Thank you,
From: Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 12:39 PM
Subject: Denise Neiman.......

Subject: death of retired DFW FA Denise Nieman/Picture

5/30 from Barb Lambert ...  I received this from Denise's husband, Bill Ozanus, today and wanted to pass it on for your group.  If I hear anything else before I see it posted from you, I will be sure to pass it along.  I know many of us are still shocked and saddened by this sudden and tragic loss.
"Finally have completed all of the requirements of the Namibian government and our State Department and am now waiting on the arrival date of Denise’s ashes.  As soon as her mother has had her private time with her in her home we will notify you and others of a memorial service and where to send donations in lieu of flowers."

5/26 from Carlotta Schmittgen ... 

Friday, May 25, 2012 
From Bill Ozanus:  It's with great sadness, pain and loss to let you know I was notified on May 23rd, Denise Nieman was in a fatal auto accident near Windhoek, Namibia.  She was returning from one of our educational safaris looking at camps and animals to expand our company's destinations to the country of Namibia on the Western Cape of Africa. She suffered a massive head injury and did not suffer.  I will miss my friend, lover and confident.  I will forever cherish the memories of our life, travels and times together.  It is rare to meet and marry an individual as Denise, she was truly my soul mate.

As Denise would say ... Wilde wishes.
Address: 16541 Stallion Shores Ct., Lindale, TX  75771 ~ phone/fax/903.963.1617 ~ c/214.354.8075/7502 ~ skype/wildejourneys ~ ~
NOTE:  a donation will be sent to the Roanoke Food Pantry in memory of Denise

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