Thursday, July 9, 2015

Patricia Riley, Wife of Capt Vic Riley, age 74

Patricia Riley, 74
July 8th, 2015

I wish to thank Ted for sending in the sad news of the passing of Capt Vic Riley's wife Pat.  The obit and service information is shared below.

From: Ted/Bear
Date: 7/8/2015 3:16:34 PM
Subject: Pat Riley

Hi Mark, by now you should have received notice of Pat Rilet's passing early this morn. from complications of alzheimers. She was just 74. They were married 50+ yrs. I will send more details when avail..--thanks, Ted Langworthy


Services for Patricia Riley, wife of Victor Riley who succumbed to the ravages of Alzheimer's on July 8, 2015.

Monday July 13, 6-8pm, visitation  (vigil and rosary at 7pm) at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 105 Hwy 1431 East, Marble Falls, TX.  Funeral Mass Tuesday July 14, 10:00am, also at St. John's.  Interment immediately following at Lakeland Hills Memorial Park in Burnet.  Reception immediately following at St John's Parish Activity Center. A pot luck dish would be appreciated.  In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to Alzheimer's at and link to my daughters Alzheimer walk through the button, "Search for a walker", Melissa Tarbox and Michelle Hubbard.

Clements-Wilcox funeral home, 1805 Hwy 281 N.  Marble Falls, TX 830-693-4373. 
Info will be posted at the following link soon:

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