Tuesday, August 2, 2016

WA/DL Capt. Dudley Bowman Moore III

correction.....RSVP attendance to email gfliint@bpadvisors.com 
thank you/Carol

Naval veteran, WA/DL Capt. Dudley B. Moore III
November 22, 1938 ~ July 23, 2016

News with the passing of Western/Delta pilot Captain Dudley Bowman Moore III has reached our group.  Captain Moore joined Western Airlines 02-26-1968 and retired with Delta Air Lines, I believe based SLC.  Captain Moore was 77 years of age at the time of his passing.  He had most recently resided in La Mesa, California.  Please see information below for services this Thursday, August 4th. 
If able to attend services and for more information, please contact Garth Flint at gflint@bpadvisors.com
            Thank you,
                ~ Carol for the PCN  

From: Dick Deeds  Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 9:36 PM  Subject: Passing of WAL/DAL Captain Dudley MOORE fly's west !

Carol & Dick:  I haven’t seen much about Dudley, but thought you might be able to get the word out before this Thursday….Dudley passed away on the 23rd of July….IF YOU are going to attend his services, please respond to Garth Flint at the number(s) below, [email is the best way of contact]   Thanks - - Stan

I am not sure you all know that Dudley passed away last Saturday. Service will be at 2:00 PM on Thursday August 4th with a celebration of Dudley’s life shortly thereafter. If you can attend, let me know and I will send you the addresses for both events. Below are two of the most colorful comments from a couple of  VF-302  Reservists:   Garth Flint:    gflint@bpadvisors.com

Garth K. Flint
Beacon Pointe Advisors
24 Corporate Plaza Sutie 150
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Office (949) 718-1610
Cell (949) 370-3361

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