Saturday, January 14, 2023

NWA Capt. Richard Russell Smith



NWA Capt. Richard Russell Smith

February 12, 1928 ~ January 1, 2023


From friends and colleagues we learn of the passing of retired Northwest Airlines pilot Captain Richard “Dick” Smith, age 94.  Dick joined Northwest Airlines 07-15-1948.  He is survived by his wife Eva and by his children, along with his grand- and great grandchildren.

Fellow pilots write: “NWA Captain Richard Smith died on January 1, 2023 after a an extended

struggle with lymphoma. 'Dick' was born in Jackson, Wyoming and raised in

Dodge Center, MN. He was orphaned at age four, raised by his Grandmother and

an Aunt.  Dick Smith came to NWA from general aviation and was hired on July 15, 1948.

At this time the common first assignment at NWA was copilot in the DC-3. His

aircraft flown list is extensive. He served decades in NWA Flight Training

and as ALPA LEC Chairman at MSP.”

Please see obituary details and service information below. 

Thank you,

~ Carol for the PCN 


Obituary :    Richard (Dick) R. Smith


On New Year’s Day 2023, Captain Richard R. Smith took his final flight

westward at age 94. Dick is survived by his amazing bride of 71 years, Eva

Smith and his four children. Dick was predeceased by his oldest son,

Thomas. Dick also had three grandchildren and three great grandchilden.


A memorial service will take place on Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 11:00

am. The service will take place at Friendship Village, 8100 Highwood Dr,

Bloomington, MN 55438. After the memorial service there will be

refreshments and a social gathering at Friendship Village.


Dick was born on February 12, 1928 in Jackson, Wyoming to Reuben and

Roberta Smith. Both his parents passed away when Dick was very young and

he was moved to Rochester, Minnesota to be raised by his grandmother and

aunt. Dick Smith was a loving husband and father who treated all people

with respect, friendship, and was loyal and caring. Someone quick to listen

and slow to anger. Someone who always put himself after others. Someone who

always gave people second chances. And mostly, a truly humble man.


Dick worked as a pilot for Northwest Airlines for 41 years and was an

active participant in his union and management. He was always described as

being one of the smoothest pilots that his peers ever flew with. He

retired as the number one 747 Captain in February of 1988 leaving an

indelible imprint on his profession. He continued to fly gliders and small

general aviation aircraft in his retirement. He loved to fly and believed

he never worked a day in his life due to his absolute passion for flying.


Dick will be missed by all who knew him. His almost 95 years on this

planet was a place he made better by his presence. Memorials in his name

can be given to Boys Town. You can donate at 


Capt. David Smith (United) with his father and mentor, Capt. Richard “Dick” R. Smith who flew for Northwest Airlines.

On New Year’s day 2023, a great family man, a humble soul, and a 41-year ALPA member, Capt. Richard “Dick” R. Smith, flew west. He was my father and mentor.

Why is this passing of one of our own so noteworthy? Because my dad is more than just a mentor to one person. The simple fact is that he’s one of so many members in our union’s history upon whose shoulders we all stand.

Born in Jackson, Wyo., in 1928, my father didn’t have it easy. Both his parents died when he was very young, and he was raised by his grandmother and aunt. My dad loved flying and believed that being an airline pilot was the best profession in the world.

He was hired by Northwest Airlines in 1947 as a DC-3 copilot, making many sacrifices to achieve his goal of becoming an airline pilot. He started by sweeping hangar floors for Gopher Aviation in Rochester, Minn., flight instructing, and then charter flying. He was lucky—he was hired by Northwest when he was very young—but he earned his luck and then worked very diligently to ensure that the path for those who followed was better and safer. His career was one of airline building, union volunteerism, and improving safety—all with a focus on the future.

Northwest was known as “Cobra Airlines”—willing to strike if provoked. My father spent much time on the picket line during numerous strikes by the various unions at the airline, including ALPA, supporting his fellow airline colleagues. My dad taught me—his only family member to follow in his footsteps—that solidarity is the only way to achieve success and advance the profession.

When I received an employment offer from United Airlines during the pilot strike of 1985, my dad had only a few words of advice for me. “Look at the solidarity of your fellow union members and realize that an entire career is what you’re striking for,” he said. “So many of our peers have suffered over the years in this profession. Staying together is the only solace you’ll receive as you build unity to succeed as an airline pilot.”

My father retired as the No. 1 B-747 captain at Northwest in February 1988. He served his union as a Council 1 representative as well as a Negotiating Committee member and held many other volunteer positions. He also served Northwest in instructor roles as he was deeply respected by his peers. I’ve also spent many decades working on behalf of ALPA because I owe it to my father.

Giants like my dad have benefited our profession and this trade union through their hard work, countless sacrifices, and a desire to make the profession better than they found it. The lessons these amazing men and women have provided us shouldn’t be forgotten.

I was fortunate to fly on the jumpseat on his retirement flights in 1988. Accessing another airline’s jumpseat wasn’t easy back then. I cleared my father to land at the Chicago O’Hare International Airport tower on his final flight from Tokyo, Japan. Tears were shed—but we focused on celebrating his amazing career. Years later, I was privileged to have my father share my jumpseat on the B-747 during United’s “farewell tour” of the aircraft in 2017. It had all come full circle with more tears of joy.

The tears I shed today are in recognition of just one of the many members of this union who helped build the profession that we’re all passionate about. We truly stand upon the shoulders of giants, and we’re indebted to them for what they’ve shared with us: their determination to make this profession better for the next generation of airline pilots.

My dad asked for very little and gave so very much. Let’s make the giants of this union and industry proud by working together for the betterment of our profession and our industry. We can make a difference. I know my dad did.

This article was originally published in the April 2023 issue of Air Line Pilot.

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