Monday, June 29, 2015

NWA Capt. O. Stewart Schroeder

NWA Capt. O. Stewart 'Stew' Schroeder
October 16, 1942 ~ June 29, 2015
Please see information below ... news with the passing of retired NWA pilot Captain Orville Stewart Schroeder, age 72.
Captain Schroeder joined Northwest Airlines 12-06-1965 and retired in 2002. 
Arrangements are pending and will be advised when known.
            Thank you,
                ~ Carol for the PCN

From: RNPA News   Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 2:08 PM   Subject:  Stew Schroeder Has Flown West.

Doug Harrison writes..................I received this message  this morning.................... 
From Stew's daughter Stephanie Martin: 
Good morning. Dad passed away at little after 3 am   PDT this morning. I was able to make it to Sandpoint by about 1 a.m. so was here. No plans as of yet, most likely later in the summer or early fall for a gathering.  
Stephanie has put up a Caring Bridge Site for anyone might want to convey a message. The address is : 

Caringbridge site read :
Stew passed away a little after 3a PDT today in Sandpoint, ID. He was diagnosed with mixed/Alzheimer's dementia in 2008 and moved to Idaho full time in 2011. A memorial will be scheduled for later this summer or early fall. Please feel free to share your 'Stew Stories' here and check back for more information. 

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