Thursday, July 2, 2015

BN/RC/NWA F/O Frederick W. Fisher Jr.

BN/RC/NWA F/O Frederick William Fisher Jr.
October 10, 1936 ~ January 1, 2015 
Please forgive belated notice... and as noted in the latest ALPA memoriam column... the passing of NWA pilot Frederick 'Fred' W. Fisher, age 78.  Obituary below indicates his military and commercial aviation career, and that he retired with Northwest Airlines in 1996. 
Should we receive more information, we will update our memorial sites.
            Thank you,
                ~ Carol for the PCN   
Fred's Obituary

Fred Fisher passed away January 1, 2015.  Fred had Lewy Body Dementia for the past ten years.  Sonja Fisher, Fred's wife, assisted Fred as much as possible and together they moved into an assisted living facility in San Leandro, CA – the location chosen to be close to their daughter, Sharon Burke which would become instrumental in helping Sonja deal with the difficulties of her husband's disease.  Fred has been under Vitas hospice care for the past three years, which is remarkable, but as the New Year turned, Fred took a turn for the worst and passed away on New Year's Day.

Fred began his aviation career in the Air Force.  He graduated in class 62-H at Vance AFB in Enid, OK along with his soon to be life-long friend: Braniff pilot Dale Cross.  Right after pilot training both Fred and Dale took part in a NASA project at Lockheed in Marietta, GA then Fred was assigned to fly the WRB-50 in Japan.  Fred was hired by Braniff in 1966 and was still there when they turned the lights out in 1982.  Fred spent a year helping his friends find flying jobs before Sonja finally convinced him to find a job for himself.  The new job was Republic Airlines in 1983 which of course turned into Northwest Airlines just 3 years later.  Fred enjoyed a wonderful career until taking his age 60 retirement in 1996.

The Fishers had been living in Palmetto Bay, FL during his Braniff days when he was flying DC-8s to South America.  They still maintained the family home as their permanent residence even after they moved close to their daughter in California.

Fred is survived by his wife Sonja and his son Andrew and daughter Sharon Burke and some grandkids.  He was 78 years old when he passed away.
Monday, January 05, 2015 1:14 PM
Subject: RNPA News: Fred Fisher Has Flown West.
 Sharyn Finnegan, Braniff hostess writes:  
I do research for our pilot website. We just received notice that Frederick William Fisher, Jr., Palmetto, Fl. passed away 1/1/2015.
Fred was BN 66-82, Southern, Republic 83-86, NWA 86-96.
Thought you'd want to know for your Flown West list.
Sharyn Finnegan

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