Saturday, July 18, 2015

WA/DL Capt. John R. Theorell

Update Aug. 11...
From: "Dick Deeds" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2015 5:24 PM  Subject: Klris Theorell information
 I received an email from you to Bill Rand requesting my contact 
 information.  I would be happy to respond. 
 Kris Theorell
 1000 Cabin Creek Lane S.W.
 Issaquah, WA 98027 
 Cell:  425-449-9310

 I was so pleased that Bill could spend some time with John before he 
 passed away.  Bill was a special friend of ours and we appreciated Bruce 
 Cowee reading  Bill's message at John's Celebration of Life service.  It 
 was wonderful to see so many of John's Western pilot buddies, many of 
 whom I knew as well, who traveled great distances to attend the 
 service.  It was so heartwarming and such a blessing to have them all 
 there to honor John and tell some fun stories.

 I also know that John was very appreciative of your great efforts Dick, 
 to maintain the WAL website.  I would love to be able to access it so 
 that I can keep track of folks.  If that's appropriate, perhaps you can 
 share with me how to do that.  We attended the WAL reunion at Gary and 
 Rose Guiliot's home last year and had a wonderful time connecting with 
 folks.  I was surprised to see so many of my flight attendant colleagues 
 there as well.  It was fun!

 Take care Dick and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.



From: Dick DeedsSent: Monday, July 20, 2015 7:39 AMSubject: Memorial service for John Theorell

Hello everyone,
The children and I have finalized a date for John's service and we wanted to let you know the details.
There will be a memorial service at our church, Evergreen Covenant Church on Mercer Island on Wednesday, July 22.  The service will begin at 7:00 pm.  The address and phone number are as follows:
3200 78th Ave. S.E.
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Phone: 206-232-1015
There will be an opportunity to share your thoughts and meaningful stories at the service if you would care to.

There will be a graveside ceremony at Tahoma National Cemetery on Thursday for family members when John will be laid to rest.  We will need to wait until Monday to determine the time.
Again, thank you all for your mighty prayers and abundance of love.  We know that John is in the loving arms of Jesus and celebrating with those who have gone before him.
Thank you for lifting me and our family up in prayer these last two years during John's has meant a great deal to all of us.
Blessings and love,
Kris, Jeff, Kate, Matt, Olivia
WA/DL Capt. John R. Theorell
January 7, 1942 ~ July 16, 2015

Captain John Richard Theorell, age 73, joined Western Airlines 04-25-1972 and retired with Delta Air Lines in 2002, based 031/JFK.
Captain Theorell is survived by his wife Kristine 'Kris'.  Arrangements are not yet known
As we learn more we will be sure to pass the information along to you.
            Thank you,
                ~ Carol for the PCN   

From: Dick Deeds Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 10:53 AM  Subject: Passing of WAL/DAL Captain John Theorell

From: Kris Theorell <>    Date: July 17, 2015 
Hello dear family and friends,
On Thursday, July 16th at 3:40 pm, my dear John went to be with the Lord.  I was with him when he passed and I was so glad to be by his side. Each of the children had just stepped out to refresh themselves after a 10 day vigil of being with Dad around the clock.  They were puzzled why he left while they were gone and I was the only one there, but I think it was just time for the two of us.  John passed peacefully and we are so grateful for this.  He did not have any pain and we feel he was comfortable the entire time he was making his transition.
John was a life force...a man's man who lived more of life than most of us. He took risks that no one would dream of taking and lived to tell about it.  He loved his family very much and more than anything, he loved the Lord. We will miss him terribly but we have great comfort knowing that he is with our heavenly Father.
Thank you Lord for this wonderful man who loved us and challenged us, and helped to make us better human beings.
Thank you dear friends for your love and support and how you cared for John and for us.  We love you all.  I will let you know about John's celebration of life after tomorrow.
With Blessings and love,
Kris, Jeff, Kate, Matt, and Olivia

From: Dick Deeds Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2015 8:25 AM Subject:  Hubby update re: John Theorell
    From Bill Rand..............
I am forwarding an email (with her permission) that I received from KrisTheorell. Use it as you see fit.  I happened to be in Seattle for the past few days, and went to visit John in hospice. He is very weak and having breathing difficulties. He is unable to answer any phone calls, but I'm sure Kris would love to hear from any old friends............ 

Here is the info I have on John from the database.
John Theorell
4331 Lake Washington Blvd. NE Apt. 7107
Kirkland, WA 98033

Subject: Hubby update
Hello everyone,
Tomorrow will one week at hospice.  The care here is wonderful...such special caring individuals who truly have a calling to love and minister to their patients.
Yesterday, John declined significantly, mostly sleeping with very little kidney function and scant food intake.  We were reminded that trying to get the patient to eat isn't a good idea as it can cause certain problems.  Essentially, if they wake up to eat, fine.  If not, let them sleep.  The children and I were prepared for the page to be turned this morning.  At 10:30 this morning, John woke up and asked when he ate last and said, "I'm hungry!  Someone order my breakfast!"  He had lots of company today and stayed up for hours visiting. It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride.
The MD states that John is very fragile, but in order to meet Medicare criteria, he would need to decline in order to remain here.  We are excited for his occasional spurts of energy and appetite, which you may know are not so unusual as we journey toward the end.  I will be meeting with the social worker tomorrow to continue to discuss the options for John.  Please pray about this as we would like to see John remain here at hospice.  We would not like to see him transition to a skilled nursing facility for comfort care.  There is a possibility of going home with hospice, but John really did not want this option.  The kids and I are prepared to do whatever we need to in order to meet John's wishes.
Thank you to the dear friends and relatives who have come to visit, call to check in and regularly pray for us.  Your uplifting prayers are a continual blessing to us.  We are so grateful for you all and praise God for your love and friendship.
Blessings and love,
Kris, Jeff, Kate, Matt

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