Update with obituary.....................
In Memory of Stephen Kaminski II
October 4, 1951 - December 30, 2016
Stephen George Kaminski II passed away on December 30, 2016 after fighting
a battle with cancer. Steve recently retired as a Boeing 777 Captain for Delta
Air Lines. Steve started his airline career with Wien Air Alaska in 1974, was
hired by Western Air Lines in 1977 and retired from Delta October 3, 2016.
Steve was a loving husband to Denise Kaminski and a proud father of Stephen
Kaminski III, Deven Cason and her husband Cory Cason, Tairyn Mosley and her
husband, Bryan Mosley, and Jonathan Kaminski. Steve also leaves behind three
deeply cherished grandchildren, CJ Cason, 5, Paisley Mosley, 2, and Elliana
Cason, 1, as well as many nieces, nephews, cousins and an outpouring of extended
family and friends. His extended family included all of those employed at Delta,
as he spent numerous birthdays and holidays, and shared many trying times with
so many of them over the course of his career.
Personal condolences may be sent to the Kaminski Family at, 3436 Harrison
Rd. East Point, GA 30344,
or (678) 586-8100
Stephen George Kaminski II, 65, Atlanta, GA died Friday, December 30, 2016
after fighting a battle with cancer. The funeral will be held on Saturday,
January 7th at St John the Evangelist Catholic Church (240 Arnold St, Hapeville,
GA 30354) at 1 p.m., followed by his burial with military honors at the College
Park Cemetery (3600 Adams St, College Park, GA 30337).
Visitation will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday, January 6th at the
Forest Lawn Funeral Home & Memorial Garden: 5755 Mallory Rd, College Park,
GA 30349
Steve was born October 4, 1951 and was a descendent of Stephen George
Kaminski and Philomena Kaminski in Biloxi, Mississippi. He attended Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University, Daytona, FL with a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics,
and a Masters in Aviation Management from Delta State University.
Steve was an Airline pilot for over 40 years, including 25 years as
Captain. During this period, he flew numerous military charter flights using
REACH call sign during Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and Iraqi Freedom. Steve was
well known around the world, establishing friendships everywhere he went. He
always placed the best interest of others before himself. Drinks are being
shared from continent to continent while memories and laughs are being told in
his honor.
Steve and Denise have strong ties with two organizations they held dear to
their heart, St Jude Children's Research Foundation and the Mississippi State
Guard. Steve achieved the rank of Colonel and was personally selected to serve
as the Deputy Commander of the organization, which involved assisting in
Emergency Preparation for the state of Mississippi.
Steve will be missed by all those who knew him. He has changed the lives
and inspired many. His memory will live on in the lives and the work of those he
influenced. Please keep his family in friends and your thoughts and
WA/DL Capt. Steve Kaminski
October 4, 1951 ~ December 30, 2016
We have received word with the passing of WA/DL pilot Captain
Stephen G. Kaminski II, age 65. Captain Kaminski joined Western Airlines
08-01-1977 and was based CVG and ATL with Delta Air Lines. He is the father of
son Steve who is a FO B7ER based JFK. Captain Kaminski passed due to
complications Stage IV lung cancer. He is survived by his wife Denise and their
children. Services will be held Saturday, January 7th with visitation the
evening prior...please see below....with a reception and
celebration of life event following services on Saturday.
The family invites all of the Delta family to
attend...arrangements entrusted to Forest Lawn Mortuary of College Park,
To view/sign the online guestbook please click on at this site
If you are able to attend and for more information, son Steve
requests you contact him at sgkthree@gmail.com ... (678)
Thank you,
~ Carol for the PCN
Funeral service : Saturday, January 07, 2017 | 1:00
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Hapeville,
Steve Kamiinski, II, age 65, of Atlanta, GA passed away Dec. 30, 2016.
Surviving are wife; Denise Kaminski, sons; Stephen Kaminski, III, Jonathan
Kaminski, Deven Cason, Tairyn Mosley, daughters; CJ Cason, Paisley Mosley,
Elliana Cason. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017 at St. John
the Evangelist Catholic Church. Interment College Park Cemetery. The family will
receive friends Friday evening from 5-8pm at Forest Lawn Funeral Home 5755
Mallory Rd. College Park, GA 30349.
From: Stephen Kaminski < sgkthree@gmail.com > Date: January 3, 2017
at 11:38:16 EST Subject: Steve
Kaminski's Funeral
On behalf of my mother Denise and
family, we would like to extend an invitation to attend the funeral of my
father, Steve Kaminski. Please see the attached document for times and dates.
Please let me know if you will be able to attend this weekend. If you are not
able to join us, our family fully understands the business of this holiday
season, so standby for additional words about Stevapalooza (retirement/memorial
party at the Delta Museum) in the upcoming months.Thank you,
Stephen Kaminski III
... 678-595-8296
Reception following: Candler
Room at the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel, where people will be
able to join in fellowship, exchange stories and celebrate the life of Steve
•This will be a fun event…light food, Budweiser and
Jameson will be had by all
•A block of rooms will be available at the
•Transportation: we are working on arranging
transportation for Saturday, to help limit the need for a rental car (if outside
the local area)
•Weather will be cold and potentially rainy….you
can thank Steve for that
•In lieu of flowers, you can donate money to St
Jude Children’s Research Hospital
son wrote the following to some of his Dad’s best friends:
with great sadness I write to you today, but because you meant so much to my
dad, I wanted to inform you that last night, he passed away at Emory University
Hospital. According to my Mom, he was having trouble breathing while at home
around 11AM and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. A short 12-hours later,
he stopped breathing completely.
I know that he loved his job
at Delta so much and the crews he flew with regularly, so much more. I thank you
for all of the prayers and support you gave him these past few months...it truly
meant the world to him. He told me over Christmas that he lived a long and happy
life, that he had no regrets and that he was blessed to have seen and done all
that he has.
I wish you and your family, a happy New
His son,
Stephen Kaminski III