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___ PCN FLIGHT WEST is sponsored by the Pilot Communication Network and is a service of the PCN provided for the Delta Pilot Retired family of pilot groups. Flight West was started and is maintained to accomplish two main goals. After we become aware of a colleague who has Flown West, 1. We aim to produce a “timely” notice sent to our community that allows for support and interaction from our group toward the grieving family of our friend and colleague. 2. Then, we aim to “archive” that notice on our Flown West Blogspot as a lasting accessible place of Dignity and Honor of our colleague for family legacy and posterity. Contributor contact info is generally removed before posting (unless requested otherwise).


Monday, June 3, 2024

NWA Capt. Tyrone Douglas Beason



Navy veteran, NWA Capt. Tyrone “Ty” Douglas Beason

June 11, 1938 ~ May , 2024


Sharing news from the RNPA/Retired Northwest Pilots group…..

Rcvd : May 13 at 06:10PM  


Dear Friends and Colleagues,  

This afternoon I was advised that NWA Captain Tyron Beason recently died

after suffering from dementia. Tyron was 85 years old, soon to be 86 on June

11, 2024. He resided at Summerfield, Florida which is in west central

Florida between Ocala and Leesburg. Prior to employment with NWA on October

10, 1966. Tyron flew helicopters from USN aircraft carriers east of Vietnam.

  Further details will be shared as they become available…….

  Our condolences to the Beason family.

                 Bill Day



  1. Tyrone resided in Summerfield, Fl. with his fiance Barbara Beckert. It was a great love story.

  2. Barbara Beckert was not Ty Beason’s fiancé! He was the father of 3 daughters, Lisa Beason Bowers, Lori Beason Diers and Courtney Beason. He was an amazing father and husband to Edith Beason. He was taken care of by his daughters who loved him very much!

  3. Yes, I was his fiance and we lived together in Florida. We didn't marry because of his family problems. He was my love and all his friends will agree. He had been divorced from Edith for years. If only Ty and I had met sooner!

    1. My father would not marry Barbara because she was catholic. Barbara bought her own engagement ring and wanted my Dad to marry her. But he wouldn’t. She was letting him die in her home and threw him in a horrible hospital to die and conned him into giving her all rights to his estate. She is evil and did NOT love my Dad. She only wanted his money. She fraudulently asserted herself in his life savings and stole money out of his account while he had Alzheimers. She made sure we didn’t get any of the money that was suppose to be left to us to bury him. My sister had to pay out of pocket to have him cremated! DON’T believe her lies.

      For those who knew my Dad and knew us kids and loved him and were good friends with him, I thank you for all your kind words. I wish we could have had a memorial for him but we all live in different states which made it impossible.

      And PS. There was no drama in our family except Barbara Beckert!

  4. One of the nicest guys I ever flew with! RIP
