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___ PCN FLIGHT WEST is sponsored by the Pilot Communication Network and is a service of the PCN provided for the Delta Pilot Retired family of pilot groups. Flight West was started and is maintained to accomplish two main goals. After we become aware of a colleague who has Flown West, 1. We aim to produce a “timely” notice sent to our community that allows for support and interaction from our group toward the grieving family of our friend and colleague. 2. Then, we aim to “archive” that notice on our Flown West Blogspot as a lasting accessible place of Dignity and Honor of our colleague for family legacy and posterity. Contributor contact info is generally removed before posting (unless requested otherwise).


Thursday, February 6, 2025

NWA Capt. Phillip R. Brown




USAF veteran, NWA Capt. Phillip R. Brown

September 19, 1940 ~ December 27, 2024


Sharing news as was received from the RNPA/Retired Northwest Pilots group…..Captain Phillip Ralph Brown joined Northwest Airlines 11-06-1967 and retired in 2000.  We understand that no services were his wishes.  Please see shared obituary below.

PCN memorial site :


Obituary :

   Captain Phillip R. Brown, age 84, died of natural causes on 27 December 2024. Phil grew up in Mount Vernon, Ohio and attended college at Miami University at Oxford, Ohio During his undergrad years at Miami University Phil completed the Air Force ROTC program. Upon college graduation Phil was designated a distinguished AFROTC graduate and was commissioned a regular officer in the U.S. Air Force. 

   After college graduation Phil entered USAF pilot training. Upon graduating first in his class at William AFB, Phil was assigned to Air Training Command as a pilot instructor at Webb AFB, Big Spring, TX.

   In the fall of 1967 Phil separated from the active Air Force in pursuit of employment with Northwest Airlines. Shortly thereafter he obtained a pilot slot with the Iowa Air Guard 185th Tactical Fighter Group (F-100) at Sioux City. In the late sixties there was a sizable contingent of NWA pilots serving with this unit. Phil retired as a Lt Col after 20+ years in the Air Guard with many hours in the F-100 and A7D.

   Phil served as a Northwest Airlines instructor pilot for much of his thirty-three years career. When he retired in September 2000, he was serving as an instructor on the 747-400.

   At the time of his death, Phillip Brown was residing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. No memorial service is planned.

   We have lost another fine, gentleman aviator

   (~John Ahnert & Bill Day)

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