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___ PCN FLIGHT WEST is sponsored by the Pilot Communication Network and is a service of the PCN provided for the Delta Pilot Retired family of pilot groups. Flight West was started and is maintained to accomplish two main goals. After we become aware of a colleague who has Flown West, 1. We aim to produce a “timely” notice sent to our community that allows for support and interaction from our group toward the grieving family of our friend and colleague. 2. Then, we aim to “archive” that notice on our Flown West Blogspot as a lasting accessible place of Dignity and Honor of our colleague for family legacy and posterity. Contributor contact info is generally removed before posting (unless requested otherwise).


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

DL Capt. B. Matthew “Matt” Dunlevy



Military veteran, DL Capt. Bernard Matthew “Matt” Dunlevy

December 12, 1962 – February 21, 2025


Matt Dunlevy, 62, of Kennett Square, PA, passed away unexpectedly from recent health complications on February 21st………………

Captain Dunlevy joined Delta Air Lines 01-29-1998 and retired in 2020 as indicated in obituary below.  He is survived by his three children and their families, and by his sister and his mother.

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Obituary Bernard Matthew Dunlevy 


Matt Dunlevy, 62, of Kennett Square, PA, passed away unexpectedly from recent health complications on February 21st. He was born in Mobile, Alabama to Bernard Jerome Dunlevy and Patricia Dunlevy (Cheeseman). He grew up in Glen Mills, PA and attended Garnet Valley High School, graduating in 1981. At Garnet Valley, he was a two-sport varsity athlete and starting outside linebacker on the undefeated 1980 football team.


After high school, Matt attended Florida Tech and helped them win a Division II national championship in crew in 1982. He graduated in 1985 with a B.S. in Air Commerce.


Following a brief stint with Vanguard Investments, Matt was selected on a pilot contract with the Delaware Air National Guard (ANG). He attended Undergraduate Pilot Training at Laughlin Air Force Base, TX, and graduated in 1988 with a Fighter Attack Recon (FAR) qualification. After C-130 training at Little Rock Air Force Base, he returned to the Delaware ANG.


In 1990, Matt was hired by TWA as a commercial airline pilot. In 1991, he was activated by the Delaware ANG for Desert Storm, where he was awarded the Air Medal for 22 combat missions. In 1998, Matt was hired by Delta Air Lines, and shortly after, separated from the Air National Guard as a Major, Flight Commander, and Formation Flight Lead pilot. Matt retired from Delta in 2020 as a B737-900 Captain.


In his time off, he enjoyed coaching football and hockey, hunting, fishing and watching Philadelphia sports teams. He was also a board member at his local VFW Post 5467.


He is survived by his three children, Matthew J. Dunlevy, (Chelsea) Caroline A. Dunlevy (John), Nicholas B. Dunlevy, a sister, Katharine Dunlevy (George) and his mother Patricia Marshall. He has two granddaughters.


A funeral mass will be held at St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Kennett Square PA, on Saturday, March 1st at 10:00 AM. Visitation will be held from 9:00 to 9:50. Military honors will be rendered at noon at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post # 5467 Kennett Square, PA. A luncheon will follow immediately after, in the post’s hall. Interment will be private at a later date.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to see this posting and how you are paying respect to aviators who have flown west. Matt was my dear cousin and a good friend as well. He will be sorely missed by many. I Iearned today that close to 200 people were at his funeral in Pennsylvania. The church was packed. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man. RIP, Matt
